Support for AHSL Classrooms

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IT Support Guidelines for AHSL Classrooms 2102 & 2102A

Support Hours

Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Technical assistance during these hours is free of charge.
Technical assistance outside of our support hours can be accommodated with a financial commitment.

Room Access

  • Opening hallway double doors
  • Opening classrooms 2102 and 2102A
  • Room walkthroughs
  • Checking out available keys to either room

Computer Maintenance


  • Computers are turned on and functional
  • Computers can be logged into
  • Computers are connected to an active network
  • Computers remain updated
  • Additional computers are available, if needed

Testing Applications

  • Installing a customer-provided Secure Browser application
  • Placing a shortcut to the browser on the desktop
  • System & Browser Certification

Reserving Classrooms & Requesting Assistance

  1. Visit to reserve either 2102 or 2102A under “AHSC Library” 
  2. Reserve a date no less than ten (10) business days in advance 
  3. Contact COM IT to create a ticket for your request via:
  4. If your test requires a Secure Browser installation, share any URLs and instruction PDFs
  5. COM IT will approve your reservation request after the ticket has been created with all necessary information. 
  6. A COM IT technician will communicate via your COMHelp ticket to discuss technology needs and coordinate available support within the support window.
    • If your event occurs during off-hours, a final walk-through will be requested beforehand
  7. Be sure to read and abide by all posted signs within rooms 
  8. Ensure spaces and equipment are left in the same condition they were found in


Key Check-Out Process 

  1. Visit our Service Desk in-person one (1) business day before your scheduled room reservation 
  2. Provide your Ticket # or Name, Key, & Event
  3. COM IT will confirm if a key is available & check one out in your name 
    • You will receive email confirmation of your requested key
    • Click on the link in your email to accept the terms and sign for the key digitally 
  4. Return the key to our Service Desk during the next business day. 
  5. Loss, Theft, or Failure to Return a key may result in the cost of lost keys, lock replacements, and secondary key replacements charged to your department and loss of room reservation privileges.