COM-T BlueCat Migration

The University of Arizona implemented a new Microsoft Active Directory Service, BlueCat, to streamline support and protect systems and data across campus.

The COM ITS team is currently working to transition all computers from the Medadmin domain which is being retired in 2024, to the BlueCat domain as part of this IT campus-wide initiative. 

Starting in February 2024, our COM ITS team will open a ticket for each computer connected to the Medadmin domain. Our technicians will communicate with the individual assigned to use this computer and will schedule an appointment to migrate this computer to BlueCat. Prior to the migration, in the ticket, we will request specific information to help streamline the process and minimize the time required to complete the migration. The estimated time to complete each migration is 3-5 hours, which can vary depending on the type of data stored on the computer.

You may also submit a service request at COMHelp or call 520-626-8721 if you would like to schedule or prioritize your computer migration with our Client Services team.