The unlimited use license of Geneious now available to COM-T faculty
Aug. 5, 2022
Geneious is a suite of several bioinformatics tools. The unlimited use license of Geneious <> has been purchased by the university and is available to all faculty and researchers.
To download Geneious go to:
To connect to the license server from Geneious:
- Start up Geneious.
- Click “Activate a License.” If Geneious is already running, select Help > Activate License…
- Check the “License server” button.
- Enter your UA email.
- Enter the hostname of the server and license server port (, port 1713).
- Click OK to start using the license
Once you have set up Geneious to use the floating license, the software will automatically check a license out whenever Geneious starts up and check it in when Geneious shuts down. Please shutdown Geneious when it is not in use. Contact COM IT if you need help.